“The 6th edition offersmasterful guidance on ethical dilemmas, self-reflective critical thinking, blind spots, challenges of a pandemic and the migration to videoconference treatment, and more. The authors parse culture and context, as well as human rights and addressing oppression in psychotherapy....
“The 6th edition offersmasterful guidance on ethical dilemmas, self-reflective critical thinking, blind spots, challenges of a pandemic and the migration to videoconference treatment, and more. The authors parse culture and context, as well as human rights and addressing oppression in psychotherapy....
Many teachers assume that SLT has the final say in all matters, but in reality, leadership is often constrained by a Board of Governors, school owners, or a Board of Directors. These higher authorities set overarching policies, approve budgets, and have the last word on major decisions. SLT ...
In consent to research, there are additional issues of voluntariness and equitable selection, especially when subjects are residents of nursing homes. Because of the increasing numbers of elderly persons in our society, and because of the role of social resources (federal, state, and local) in ...
Because AAS have side effects, and long-term use of AAS can have a profound effect on longevity and overall health ... Steroid Profiles Latest Top 5 Protein Peptides for Bodybuilders 🔊 Listen to Post Protein peptides have become a cornerstone of bodybuilding... British Dragon, Steroid Ph...
Palliative care is interdisciplinary and focuses on maximizing physical and psychosocial comfort for the dementia patient and family (Carter & Chichin, 2003; Meier, Lim, & Carlson, 2010). This should be the standard of care for nursing home residents with dementia, especially given prognostic ...
The interviewees described ethical dilemmas involving their supervisors that they faced when they were interns or just starting out in their professional careers. These dilemmas included supervisors drinking on the job, being romantically involved with former clients, being physically abusive to staff and...
CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study can be a guide in preventing and rapidly addressing the problems encountered in post-disaster nursing care. To cope with the sudden increase in workload, atypical cases, and ethical dilemmas after a disaster, we recommend updating the current nursing curriculu...
(2003). Ethical Dilemmas in Sport Psychology: Discussion and Recommendations for Practice. Profes- sional Psychology: Research and Practice, 34, 601-610. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.34.6.601Moore, Z. E. (2003). Ethical dilemmas in sport psychology: Discussion and recommendations for practice. ...