DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN INDIA: A FAMILY MENACEDr.S.Prescila SharonSharon, S. (2014): Domestic Violence Against Women In India: A Family Menace., Indian J Appl Res. ISSN No- 2249-555X.
Social Predictors of Domestic Violence against Married Men: The Case of Mashhad (Iran) PDF | Full-text Hosseini AThe Influence of Meteorological Parameters on Indoor and Outdoor Radon Concentrations: A Preliminary Case Study PDF | Full-text Aquilina NJ...
In recent years, domestic violence has come into sharper focus in India, where shocking stories of extreme brutality have made headlines around the world. Because India is home to approximately one-fifth of the global population, finding scalable solutions to the problem there could have far-reachi...
China and India in Africa: Implications of New Private Sector Actors on Bribe Paying Incidence By Sankalp Gowda Published by The Developing Economist This paper seeks to address one of the most common critiques of Asian firms doing business in Africa: that low levels of corporate governance and ...
South Asian women in particular are not only vulnerable to domestic violence, but exceptionally vulnerable to underreporting of domestic violence. The problem compounds itself by making it difficult not only to quantify the issue, but also harder...Read Article » ...
(and therefore, Gabler-Hover argues, black) servant that Sarah tells to sleep with her husband Abraham and who bears the child Ishmael. These novelists, she writes, “probably selected Hagar because they wished to write novels exceeding the boundaries of the woman’s domestic novel in mid-...
As a domestic abuse survivor and the parent to 2 girls who were sexually abused, I, thank you for providing a site that people can come together and share … Child Abuse - Stop The Violence Stop The Silence They always say the monster comes from the street and into the home. But that...
Future Challenges of Education for Children Victims of Domestic Violence in Islamic Education Perspective Bahrul Ma’ani, Ramlah This study aims to describe the future challenges of children’s education as a result of domestic violence from the perspective of Islamic education. This study uses a qua...
This is the battle cry of those who recognize the value and history of hemp and lament the fact that domestic farmers have been unable to legally grow it for over 50 years. In an effort to change this, Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association have announced May 17-23,......
Reuters duo not expected to serve full seven years in jail Myanmar: where 'genocide' doesn't really matter US pulls its punch on new Myanmar sanctions Suu Kyi loses control of once hopeful peace process The rebels who keep India and Myanmar apart ...