digital natives and digital immigrantsdigital education programsenergy consumptionThis is a review of four articles published in the JGSMS 2019 special issue on Marketing Management in International Contexts. All papers published in this special issue were peer-reviewed, with oversight from the authors ...
Back to School: Are Teachers Equipped to Teach 'Digital Natives'? - 16-Aug-2010 Office Applications Deployment Support Website | RSS Feed How to install Office 2010 with a MAK key and have it perform an automatic activation attempt after install - 20-Aug-2010 Office 2010...
Do digital natives use mobile payment differently than digital immigrants? A comparative study between generation X and Z Irma Agárdi, & Mónika Anetta AltView All Open Access Articles in Electronic Commerce Research If you are interested in publishing an open acces article in Electronic Commerce Re...
Effects Of Caffeine And Vitamin E On Wisconsin Fast Plant, Sarah Ferguson Wright State University The Experience Of White Captives Among The Natives Of The Old Northwest Territory Between 1770 And 1850, Analucia Lugo Purdue University Reading Beyond Modern Feminism: Kate Chopin’S The Awakening,...
The latest digital copy of IPC Community is now ready to view. Each quarter, IPC Community provides exclusive interviews and practical tips on what’s happening with IPC and its members. Find stories on IPC student leadership, successful women in business, the trouble with tariffs, the inside ...
Students will find ways around the ban, which will cause a further defensive response from teachers and administrators, and so on. It’s hard to believe that a close race between those digital natives and their educators will end in a decisive victory for the latter. In fact, chatbots may...
Kate Meyer summarizes her user research on how companies can appeal to social media natives. Social Media Natives: Growing Up with Social Networking August 28, 2016| Article: 9minutes to read Social media use has altered how Millennials think about friendships and relationships. This impact stands...
Recently I spoke at Intranatverk about this based on my book ‘Digital success or digital disaster?‘ which is a practical, experience-based approach to growing and managing a successful intranet. My slides ‘7 principles of good intranet governance’ are avilable for you to share. The ...
Steve Johnson introduces some digital natives to the board game Clue.Johnson’s World: The Bald Facts Published October 6, 2023 Who loves ya, baby? Steve Johnson explains how Telly Savalas is a case study in how to successfully distinguish yourself in the market....
By John Fortunato Ever since the 19th century, German immigrants residing in Mexico, and to a lesser extent, Swiss natives, brought then-modern brewing techniques to the northernmost Central American nation. Though Spaniards were the first to brew in Mexico, the lack of... The Right Tools fo...