Bibliometric analysisCitation analysisCROP PRODUCTIONCONSUMPTIONFOODPERSPECTIVEHOUSEHOLDSEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, the carbon footprint is regarded as the most important assessment tool of greenhouse gas emissions; it has attracted great attention......
One of the key advantages of elevating them in this way is the reduced environmental footprint. Treehouses can be designed to leave the forest floor untouched, preserving small-scale ecosystems. By freeing up the ground below, they minimize disruptions to native flora and fauna, allowing nature ...
The Ecological Footprint of Data Centers: The Downpour of a Digital Future December 31, 2024 Today, data is primarily stored in large data centres across the globe, which are major energy guzzlers with significant environmental impact. Image © Claudio Schwarz via Unsplash This article is the ...
Reuse of plant growing substrate can contribute to lowering the carbon footprint of horticulture production systems. Here, we assessed the impact of substrate reusing on the root-associated microbiome of straw... Xinquan Hu, Jolien Claerbout, Bart Vandecasteele, Simon Craeye and Danny Geelen ...
Sure, the skyrocketing price of gas gave us pause, but protecting our sanity and the desire for temporary escape overrode the hesitancy that accompanied inflation and the increased carbon footprint associated with driving a non-electric vehicle that many miles. Another concern, to put it bluntly,...
Cleaner indoor air – with a low carbon footprint, too How do you make paint more sustainable? Replace fossil fuel-based components with renewable raw materials. Nippon Paint’s Infinte Air is the first interior paint in China to use BASF’s dispersions produced according to biomass balance ap...
Enhanced sulfide burial in low-oxygen aquatic environments could offset the carbon footprint of aquaculture production A model simulating the carbon cycle in low-oxygen aquatic environments suggests a potential pathway to increase alkalinity production and carbon dioxide uptake, offering an affordable and ...
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Digital marketing, often perceived as environmentally friendly, has a hidden carbon footprint. This article explores the surprising environmental impact of digital advertising, from data centers to excessive ad... Zsofia Raffa 3 September 2024 Read more Thought Leadership Content – Why Bother? In...
TCP Sustainability #2: Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) In a series of articles on sustainability, we consider how and where TCP plays a role in the Energy Transition. In the first article we looked at the footprint reduction of TCP compared to steel pipelines; in this second art...