Today, the transformation of various resources, from excavated earth to agro-waste and plastics, is being carried out to create new materials, thus consolidating the efficiency and feasibility of more environmentally friendly practices. Within this context, technology and data have contributed ...
Colors, materials, lighting, and textures are the foundational pillars that shape the mood and atmosphere of an interior space. These elements should work in harmony to create environments that deeply influence how we feel and interact with the space around us. From serene, tranquil homes to dyna...
A recent NewVantage Partners' Big Data Executive Survey 2018 found that 62.5% of Fortune 1000 business and technology decision-makers said their organization appointed a chief data officer. The role of chief data officer involves overseeing a range of data-related functions that may include data ...
The setting for the tastings was the venerable — and quite enormous — train station in Florence where every year the Consorzio Vino Chianti Classico (the organization that represents producers) presents some 700-plus samples of Chianti Classico spanning several recent vintages and all quality ...
1/7/2009 - Similar to Hollywood's Worst Dressed List or (if you're old enough to remember) Laugh In's Fickle Finger of Fate Award, Truth about Pet Food announces the first annual Biggest Stupid Act in Pet food Award. The Award will be given to the organization or manufacturer that ...
based on clause 4 of the International Monetary Fund Organization Agreement, issued a staff report which mentioned [...] 去年3 月, IMF 根據《國際貨 幣基 金組織 協定》第四條發布 了工作 人員 報告, 當 中提及香港應注意內 部競爭的 問題,尤其 是沒有 對某些未 有受到 特 ...
(INVIMA)); or for the seizure and disposal of such goods in the event of violations of the provisions of the following articles 章程》规定了违禁或限制物品的进口、出口或转运程序及管制措施,须符 合各执法机关(如哥伦比亚军工、哥伦比亚农业协会、国家麻醉品委员会、国家 食品药品...
Leadership and Organization Development Journal 37(2): 673-688. View abstract Lipscomb HJ, Nolan J, Patterson D, Fullen M, Takacs BC, Pompeii LA [2011]. Buyer beware: Personnel selling nail guns know little about dangerous tools. Am J Ind Med Aug;54(8);571-8. View abstract via Pub...
of interventions. One guiding principle is the “right rate” is usually the one that results from the choices of a fully informed and empowered patient population. For truly effective care without substantial tradeoffs, the right rate may approach 100%. The rate of operative treatment of hip ...
Behavior in Public Places: Notes on the Social Organization of Gatherings. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963. Haddon, Leslie. “Domestication and Mobile Telephony.” Machines That Become Us: The Social Context of Personal Communication Technology. Ed. James E. Katz. New Brunswick, N.J.:...