Stage-Dependent Release of Plasmodium Falciparum Homolog of T-Cell Immunomodulatory Protein and Association of Plasma Levels with Suppression of Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-1 Chemokine Production in Infected Individuals PDF The Aetiology of Ill Health among Urban Slum Communities in Nigeria: A Systematic...
Agro-based NGOs in Kenya, operating in dynamic business environments face greater levels of unpredictability and turbulence than those in more stable business environments. The need to link opportunity evaluation and growth is very important for organisations to attain growth. To better understand this...
CFW Clinics in Kenya: To Profit or Not for Profit V. Kasturi Rangan and Katherine Lee, August 2011 Microfranchising – A business approach to fighting poverty(PDF) David Koch and Deborah Burand, Franchise Law Journal, Summer 2010 Franchising in Frontier Markets: What’s Working, What’s Not...
Be it a quality read or a quality watch that you fancy most, either way you probably heard of the "Out of Africa" book (by Danish author Isak Dinesen) or the same title Oscar-winning movie, starring Meryl Streep & Robert Redford, shot in Kenya. And if you have, chances are that one...
Based on the results of TII, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have the highest TII in HS Code 300450, followed by Rwanda and Burundi, which have high TII in HS Code 300410. This study contributes significantly to exporters and policymakers on HS codes, which are relevant for pharmaceutical exporters...
The sample used in the study were 50 the third year undergraduate students in Environmental Education program, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahasarakham University, which was derived by purposive sampling. The research tools were the coronavirus disease 2019 prevention and control manual...
“Taphonomical analysis of the human sample from the Sima de los Huesos Middle Pleistocene site (atapuerca/Ibeas, Spain).” In Human Evolution, vo. 5, no. 6, pp. 505-513. Arsuaga, J.-L., J.M. Carretero, I. Martínez, and A. Gracia. 1991. “Cranial remains and long bones from...
The sample is composed of companies audited either by Big 4 or non-Big 4 auditors. The main results underline the importance of the effect of the going-concern opinion on debt characteristics. The influence of the qualified audit opinion and especially the going-concern opinion issued by a Big...