under the Articles of Confederation and the first capital under the Constitution of the United States. 纽约是《邦联条例》下的最后一个美国首都,也是美国宪法下的第一个美国首都。 LASER-wikipedia2 The New Jersey Plan, as it was called, would have left the Articles of Confederation in place, ...
of America are collected in this easy-to-read volume, which includes the Constitution of the United States of America, with all of the Amendments; The Declaration of Independence; the Articles of Confederation, and an appendix containing a list...
Constitution both recognizes and establishes some of the most basic of our rights, including the right to speak freely, to assemble in protest, to maintain a free and open press and to worship any deity we choose (or none at all). But in modern times, it has become......
list, co-publications, [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 另外,教科文组织出版部门已出版印 刷了 48 部作品(包括以教科文 组织出版部门标记出版的 作品、联合出版的作品、新版《信使》和促销小册子)。 unesdoc.unesco.orgThe current Constitution has 156 articles grouped within eight titles (I General Principles...
At Easter I think of an Aussie Republic because in 1999 we rejected changing the Constitution PREAMBLE to one that began ‘In God we hope …’ So who was this Aussie GOD meant to be? And how religious are we anyway? Full articlehere. ...
ias exam . right against exploitation there are two articles of the constitution which guarantee the right against exploitation. they are described below: article 23 – prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour article 23(1): traffic in human beings and the beggar and other ...
A Perfect Laws Portal for lawyers and Law Students of Gujarat. The Laws Provide the information about Acts,Judgements,Rules,Law News Etc in a Single Portal.
Documents describing the mandate, scope and governing structure of the organization, such as the charter/statutes/constitution/by-laws orarticles of association; 说明所涉组织的任务、范围和管理结构的文件,例如规章/规程/章程/公司附则或章程等;
12/23/2015 - Are you an American who observes, enjoys and takes full advantage of your right to "keep and bear arms," as enumerated under the Second Amendment to the Constitution? If so, you're little more than a degenerate Islamic terrorist, like those who just killed 14 citizens in ...
A Perfect Laws Portal for lawyers and Law Students of Gujarat. The Laws Provide the information about Acts,Judgements,Rules,Law News Etc in a Single Portal.