Voting Voter Turnout Elections Voting Behavior Public Transportation American Politics Behavioral Pyschology 2012, Vol. 4 No. 01 A Brief History of Industrial Psychology By Tasnim B. Kazi Industrial Psychology is almost as old as Psychology itself. Psychology came about in 1879 in the laboratory of...
with the exception of the uber-wealthy, whose income and worth just keeps rising no matter what happens around the globe -- more and more financial experts and economic analysts have become uber-pessimistic, especially about the financial... ...
Gale offers an overview of issues related to abortion, derived from scholarly sources and academic journals. Read about legislation, activism and more.
There have been a few arguments about whether serverless is going to kill off containers. It’s not hard to see where this comes from, but in reality there’s no chance that this is going to happen. The way to think of serverless is to see it as an additional option that can be ...
Unreal Insights Currently in beta, Unreal Insights enable developers to collect and analyze data about Unreal Engine's behavior in a fixed way. The Trace System API system is one of its components and is used to collect information from runtime systems consistently. Another component of Unreal ...
Finally, we repeated the analyses from Experiment 3 to see if they replicated with this one rumor about Macron. Participants’ voting choices in the final election did not significantly increase the amount of variance explained when added to a model predicting posttest accuracy ratings given pretest...
Understanding the 2016 Republican Primary: Substantive Versus Strategic Voting Behavior By Max Gonzalez Saez-Diez Was the selection of Donald Trump in the 2016 Republican Primary a strategic or a substantive choice? Donald Trump defied many predictions when he won the GOP’s presidential nomination des...
Article 1 In order to standardize the behavior of the library and ensure the realization of public welfare goals, this Articles of Association is formulated in accordance with the "Interim Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Institutions" and its implementation rules, as well as rel...
they speculate among each other about the latest developments, they argue in favor of their preferred candidates, or they debate the merits of participating in the electoral process at all. For someone trying to understand the political intrigues and make an informed voting decision, things can get...
When most of the doctor’s popular science articles are about the same topic of health knowledge, it indicates that the higher the doctor’s knowledge in this field, the higher the patient’s trust in them will be. Thus, the topic focus of popular science articles has a positive impact ...