japanese culture The Zen art of teaching English Dharma, Zendo and all that stuff Finally the last gong rings and the day is done. The monks quickly bow (clock) out of the temple as I check the next day’s scroll. It looks all right. I bid the nuns farewell – they work late into...
Bilingual Japanese fairy tale translation: “The Accordion” by Ogawa Mimei This is a full bilingual translation of the Japanese fairy tale “The Accordion” by Ogawa Mimei, a story about a mountain hermit who comes across a main selling medicines. Category: culture General Japanese Study: Inter...
Mérida is a city that was built upon the remnants of the Mayan city called T'Ho and is composed of a rich culture that combines different moments in history. As a result, the contemporary architecture of this region incorporates traditional elements such as vaults, lattices, and sustainable ...
This paper examines the role of the Japan Society, London (organized in 1892) in articles about Japan published in The Studio (established in 1893), an art magazine as a means of distributing design information, in the 1890's. There were nine writers who wrote eighteen articles about ...
Japanese architect and social advocate, Riken Yamamoto, has been selected as the 2024 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate. Known for establishing a "kinship between public and private realms" and creating "architecture as background and foreground to everyday life," Yamamoto is the 53rd honoree of...
The analysis reveals that English and Japanese ras contain similar features that are not in accordance with English coherence conventions described by rST, suggesting that these features derive from the influence of Japanese writing culture. Close examinations show that these L1-re...
Su Manshu (1884-1918), whose original name was Xuanying and his Buddhist name Manshu, was born in Yokohama, Japan, of a Cantonese merchant and a Japanese woman. At the age of six, he was sent back to Xiangshan, Guangdong Province, China, the birthplace of his father. He was a poet...
OLDER and FACETASM bring Japanese workwear to Milan Fashion Week Fondazione Valentino and Giancarlo Giammetti to open a new cultural space in Rome What are the most social cities in the world? Gen Z is redefining the concept of career Would you ever read a novel written by a computer? How...
Sub-genres of Japanese porn The pornographic culture of Japan is enormous. Encompassing dozens of different genres only found in Japan, it has become an important part of life for many Japanese.[citation needed] To satisfy the demand for more arousal, many genres have popped up over the decade...
Because Dorie Miller was black, the navy didn’t let him do much more than household chores. But when Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, he dropped the laundry he was collecting, manned a big gun, and earned himself the Navy Cross....