May 24, 2024This was the one of several claims seeding doubt about the legitimacy of U.S. electoral processe ... Read More US House Democrats Voted to Give 'Illegal Immigrants' New Representation in Elections? Written by: Anna Rascouët-Paz ...
His post blamed white nationalists and immigrants for taking away jobs and spewed racist hatred towards immigrants and Hispanics. The El Paso post is not the only incident. 8chan has been filled with unmoderated violent and extremist content over time. Nearly the same thing happened on 8chan ...
2/28/2016 - Almost two months ago, state officials in Flint, Michigan, finally ran out of places to hide and the people throughout America learned the painful truth. Although it was more than obvious that changing Flint's water supply had been an absurd and utterly irresponsible decision, ...
Her parents were immigrants, and she was raised with a solid Jewish education. During her confirmation hearings, she offered the following recollection: "I grew up during World War II in a Jewish family. I have memories as a child, even before the war, of being in a car with my parents...
passed since the states of Colorado and Washington made history by legalizing cannabis, and like dominoes, the rest of America is slowly falling in line with this burgeoning movement to end a senseless war on a plant. With Washington, D.C., the nation's capital, poised to decriminalize.....
Kumemura Village, or Kuninda, has been known as the community of Chinese immigrants with a more than five-hundred year background of scholar-bureaucrat aristocracy in Lewchew, or Ryukyu. They supposedly originated from a group of 36 families from the Southern Chinese Min (閩) ethnic group sin...
Sometimes these days when we talk about "going meta" about a topic, we mean what we used to call "being reflective" about it. Both ways of talking imply the value of interrupting the normal course of thought and taking a step back....
Immigrants and the Fallacy of Labour Scarcity Industrial Action and Competition Laws The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Employees and Management Ownership of Firms Make Your Workers Your Partners Battling Society's Cancer: Unemployment Growing Out of Unemployment Meritocracy and Brain Drain The Professions...
These policies have historically tended to separate immigrants coming to this country into political and economic refugees. Those coming from Cuba, for example, have been labeled as political refugees, as running from a country that this country has decided is persecuting them, and has welcomed them...
Information about the TTs!-1 Information about the TTs!-2 Two Houses or More? Brit-Am versus Edomites Coming to Israel Guest Articles THE PEACE PROCESS, JUDAH, AND THE TEN TRIBES Cam Rea: "Assyria's invasion of Media" Rabbi Fishel Mael ...