Gale offers an overview of issues related to abortion, derived from scholarly sources and academic journals. Read about legislation, activism and more.
3 September 2024 Apologist Joel Furches explores the relationship between Christianity and psychiatry, and asks why Christians suffer from depression when they are promised joy? The Christian case against abortion: a summary 2 September 2024 Apologist Clinton Wilcox shows how biology, human rights, sc...
The Spectator World•21st November 2024 The two final battles of the culture war On disputes about transgender and abortion. On abortion, voters have been mobilized by controversial Supreme Court decisions. The fight began in earnest in 1973, when Roe v. Wade…There are two notable exceptions,...
It's never too late to make changes in how we lead ourselves. Change does not come easily. It takes the right mindset, a good plan, and a good support system.
It's never too late to make changes in how we lead ourselves. Change does not come easily. It takes the right mindset, a good plan, and a good support system.
Gillick is the reason young people can access contraception, abortion and mental health services on their own initiative. There are many people out there who have wanted to erode Gillick for as long as it has existed, and this sets a precedent for any group to challenge any aspect of young...
Don’t Believe the Hype About Abortion November 16, 2023 Share on There’s a tendency in politics to ascribe success and failure to one thing when it’s really more complicated. That has been the case with most coverage of last week’s elections. “Abortion issues burn GOP” screamed...
Infant mortality is on the rise in the US — experts point to stricter abortion laws as reasons why ByAlmut WintersteinPublishedFebruary 1, 2025 Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth Chinese scientists created mice with 2 dads — and they survived to adulthood ...
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June 24, 2024 The Overturning of Abortion Rights Is a Religion Story Set in Texas Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs decision, two new books explore the untold stories of how it happened—and its impact. ByCatherine Woodiwiss ...