Structured light refers to the arbitrarily tailoring of optical fields in all their degrees of freedom (DoFs), from spatial to temporal. Although orbital angular momentum (OAM) is perhaps the most topical example, and celebrating 30 years since its conne
” to “Which person did you see?”. Participants were informed that this is what they would be asked to ensure that they learnt the names with the faces when viewing CVs. Participants were asked to choose one of the four names depicted in the four CVs or a fifth...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...
A majority of social media research is focused on a single form of social media, with Twitter by far and away being the most popular (Tufekci,Citation2014). However, studies that cross platform boundaries do exist. In the main, these have relied upon individual participation and surveys in or...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...
Human cognition is explained by the involvement of man’s soul in this real truth; the soul, being immortal although it undergoes cycles, is originally related to the higher existence. Plato understood the cognition of the truth to be the remembrance of that which the soul contemplated before ...