Le paragraphe 1 de l’Article 12 de la Charte dispose que, tant que le Conseil de sécurité remplit à l’égard d’un différend ou d’une situation quelconque les fonctions qui lui sont attribuées par la Charte, l’Assemblée générale ne doit faire aucune recommandation sur ce ...
36 Schadde E, Raptis DA, Schnitzbauer AA, Ardiles V, Tschuor C, Lesurtel M, et al. Prediction of mortality after ALPPS stage-1: an analysis of 320 patients from the international ALPPS registry. Ann Surg 2015;262:780-786.PMID: 26583666 ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Penas a gulf of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of southern Chile, between the Taitao Peninsula in the north and the island of Guayaneco in...
Hezbolá promete tomar medidas después del alto el fuego si Israel permanece en el sur de Líbano, al mismo tiempo que advierte a los partidos libaneses que no ayuden a las FDI. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF \ 12/31/2024 2:02:09 PM "Pronto estarás en casa": El Shin Bet publica grabaci...
17 Clavien PA, Lesurtel M, Bossuyt PM, Gores GJ, Langer B, Perrier A, et al. Recommendations for liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma: an international consensus conference report. Lancet Oncol 2012;13:e11-22.PMID: 22047762 ...
K. A. KOVALEVSKIIand IA. N. ZASURSKII The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun conten...
ARTICLE: THE REGULATION OF NEW MEDIA BROADCASTING IN CANADA POST-ICRAVETV.COML'A. examine la legalite de la radiodiffusion sur un nouveau media tel que l'internet a la lumiere de la legislation ...
(Lemons sur le carbone, la combustion, les his chimiques, Paris, 1926, p. vii). In richness and boldness of scientific thought, originality of exposition, and influence on the development and teaching of chemistry, Mendeleev’s work had no equal in the world’s chemistry literature. The...
statei. Edited by la. N. Zasurskii. Moscow, 1967.Mass Communications Dictionary. Edited by H. B. Jacobson. New York, 1961.Mass Communications. Edited by W. Schramm. Urbana [1963].Reader in Public Opinion and Communication. New York [1966]. E. P. PROKHOROV The Great Soviet Encyclopedia...
“Votre habillement a de l’importance, lisait- on dans un article de la revue Woman’s Day. 一篇来自《妇女日》杂志的文章说:“服装非常重要,它可以使你充满自信。” jw2019 Afin de diffuser des informations sur les événements et les activités de l’Organisation des Nations Unies et ses...