Raw material was acquired by trade or as tribute from neighboring and captive countries (silver, lead, copper, and lumber from Syria and Palestine, gold and ivory from Cush, and incense and rare wood from Punt). Records of a fleet outfitted by Queen Hatshepsut to Punt have been pre-served...
As archaeological excavations show, relatively large-scale settlements with compactly arranged residential buildings made of clay and adobe brick (Catal-Höyük in Asia Minor, Jericho in Palestine, and Annau and Namazga-Tepe in Middle Asia) formed as early as the seventh to fourth millennia B....
Forman a obtenu aussi des résul- tats similaires chez les nomades bédouins en Palestine, 19 % vs 12 % (18). Les résultats obtenus à la fin de la saison des pluies, sont certes faibles par rapport à ceux observés à la fin de la saison sèche, ma...
1892b. Gramática de la lengua de maguindanao según se habla en el centro y en la costa sur de la isla de Mindanao. Manila: Tipografía «Amigos del País». (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Khoshneviss, H. 2021. “Accruing Whiteness: Power and Resistance in Prerequisite ...
He traveled a great deal around Russia, in the countries of Western Europe, and also in Syria, Palestine, India, Japan, and the USA. Vereshchagin took part in the conquest of Central Asia, in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78), and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). He painted his ...
1.a republic in SW Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea: established in 1948, in the former British mandate of Palestine, as a primarily Jewish state; 8 disputes with Arab neighbours (who did not recognize the state of Israel), erupted into full-scale wars in 1948, 1956, 1967 (the Six Day ...
The struggle by Jews for a Jewish state in Palestine had begun in the late 19th cent. and had become quite active by the 1930s and 40s, when Jewish immigration greatly increased as a result of the events in Europe. Jewish-Arab violence in the area led to the establishment of guerrilla ...
; John Phocas’journey to Palestine (12th century); Andrew Libadenus’ journey to Palestine and Egypt (14th century); and Cananus Lascaris’ journey to Germany, Scandinavia, and Iceland (end of the fourth century or beginning of the fifth). The Byzantines also knew how to draw up ...
As archaeological excavations show, relatively large-scale settlements with compactly arranged residential buildings made of clay and adobe brick (Catal-Höyük in Asia Minor, Jericho in Palestine, and Annau and Namazga-Tepe in Middle Asia) formed as early as the seventh to fourth millennia B....
He traveled a great deal around Russia, in the countries of Western Europe, and also in Syria, Palestine, India, Japan, and the USA. Vereshchagin took part in the conquest of Central Asia, in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78), and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). He painted his ...