Reviews the book "This One's Going to Last Forever: Short Stories," by Nairne Holtz.Roberta, Jeangay & lesbian review worldwide
La Guerre AllemandeThe author takes the preceding title seriously and embroiders on the theme of the German menace.William L. LangerForeign Affairs
Du deuil familial à la glorification publique: représentations divergentes de la Première Guerre Mondiale dans la Roumanie de l’entre-deux guerresIs the memory of world war I the property of former combatants or is it rather the creation of intellectual circles, disposed to provide this event...
and its ideological ambivalence (secret concerns over the French soldier's frailty and the Army's ability to adequately defend the country).Paul Bleton
Originating in a conference held at the Université du Littoral Cte d'Opale in Boulogne-sur-Mer in 2014, this volume brings together fifteen articles on the subject of the significance of the sea — and particularly maritime warfare — in the story of King Arthur. The articles presented in ...
The prolific Chris Millington's France in the Second World War is a fine introduction to the subject for an Anglophone audience. With his students at Manchester Metropolitan University in mind, Millington has written what he calls a survey rather than an encyclopaedia on France's Dark Years. He...
Apres la guerreFor the end of Time: the story of the Messtaen Quartet Rebecca Rischin Cornell...doi:10.2307/4149099Nigel SimeoneRebecca RischinCelestin DeliegeMark CarrollHenri DutilleuxRoger NicholsMusical TimesDerrida J., et J. H...
Foreign AffairsGeneral Debeney, La guerre et les hommes. Reflexions d'apres-guerre, Paris, Librairie Plon, 1937, p. 352. Le general Eugene Debeney commanda l'Ecole superieure de guerre (1919-1922) et fut chef d'etat-major de l'armee de ...
Reports on the deals formed by France's television news program TV5 with Comcast Cable Communications Inc. Number of U.S. subscribers of TV5; Estimated number of potential subscribers brought by the deals to TV5; Annual budg...
Les effets de la législation de guerre sur le système juridique italien (1915-1919)The general aim of this research is to study the relationship between the Executive power and the Parliament during World War I and in particular, to analyse the effects of war legislation on the Italian ...