A。解析:The Treaty of Versailles led to significant changes in the political map of Europe after World War I. The signing of the Magna Carta had an impact on English history. The fall of Constantinople had an impact on the Byzantine Empire. The Battle of Waterloo had an impact on Napoleon...
FROM THE Treaty of Versailles to the inconclusive end of the Gulf war, vindictiveness in victory has backfired on the victors. The Nato powers should take heed of the warning issued yesterday by Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary-general, not to punish the Serb people twice. They have...
Share on Facebook versatile Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Wikipedia. 1.Botany(of an anther) attached to the filament by a small area so that it moves freely in the wind 2.Zoologyable to turn forwards and backwards Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publish...
Share on Facebook Treatment, Expectant Medical The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. the treatment of the manifestations, or symptoms, of a disease without curative action being taken with respect to the disease’s basic caus...
A brief treatment of the Treaty of Versailles follows. For full sovereignty Summary Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order. The concept of sovereignty—one of the most controversial ideas...
Both world wars have reinforced this tendency. The Treaty of Versailles, drafted for the first time in two languages, English and French, was innovative by guaranteeing the diplomatic status of the former. In 1945, American English had the prestige of the liberators, whose material wealth was en...
treaty, if the States so desire. Its main function is therefore to provide for a list how such intentions may materialize in practice. However, Art 14 is silent on the question whether ratification is required to bring a treaty into force where the intentions of States are neither expressed ...
Night of the Long Knives, in German history, purge of Nazi leaders by Adolf Hitler on June 30, 1934. Fearing that the paramilitary SA had become too powerful, Hitler ordered his elite SS guards to murder the organization’s leaders, including Ernst Röhm. Also killed that night were hundre...
of Ambassadors, a body formed to help implement the Versailles Treaty, divided (1920) Teschen, giving the western section, including the Karviná basin, to Czechoslovakia and the eastern agricultural section to Poland. The town of Teschen also was divided into a Polish section, Cieszyn, and a...
After World War I the Conference of Ambassadors, a body formed to help implement the Versailles Treaty, divided (1920) Teschen, giving the western section, including the Karviná basin, to Czechoslovakia and the eastern agricultural section to Poland. The town of Teschen also was divided into ...