BRITAIN is plagued by the remains of elitism in an education system that fails to meet the needs of a modern economy. It wastes more talent than its European competitors by excluding young people at each step in their development. Inadequate nursery provision, a huge drop-out rate at 16, ...
principal method for collecting, preserving, and disseminating scientific knowledge. As early as the first quarter of the 19th century attempts were made to organize a system of bibliographical notification; by the early 20th century, the system had evolved into the modern form of the journal of ...
The issue of developing contemporary art pedagogy has also been little studied as most studies are focused on teaching fine arts. The modernization of the Chinese education system contributed to the adjustment of teacher education to the requirements of modern times and a change in the curricula, ...
Share on Facebook The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Journalism Education the system for training contributors to newspapers, magazines, radio, and television, as well as editors of literature for mass audiences. ...
The current shortcomings in Japanese medical education are highlighted by identifying four major areas of concern, based on the author's personal observations at Keio University Hospital. The first of these is a woeful lack of clinical skills among Japanese medical students and residents. This lack ...
This study aims to explain the policies implemented by the European Union in transitioning to a green economy. It examines the period from the adoption of sustainable development within the Union to the present, focusing on the EU's strategies for sustai
In a class society education reflects class history, as may be seen in the structure of public education systems, the content of education, and the methods of teaching. The class character of the bourgeois school system, which is marked by restrictions on the level of education provided for ...
The data obtained in another study also presents similar conclusions that regard the need to promote Chinese traditional music culture in modern piano education [30]. In the same work it was also found that traditional music in the system of piano training is the basis for only 8% of ...
Recommendations of the international medical informatics association (IMIA) on education in biomedical and health informatics. Methods Inf. Med. 2010, 49, 105–120. [Google Scholar] Hasan Sapci, A.; Aylin Sapci, H. Artificial intelligence education and tools for medical and health informatics ...
committee. In 1832, this was put on a more formal footing and outside referees began to be used. In the case of theAcadémie Royale des Sciences, a form of peer review was built into its 1699 statutes [29]. These developed into the full peer-review system as we know it today [30,...