Television forced additional demands on the orator (usually now called the public speaker), who not only had to sound good but also had to look good. Still, most politicians, notably Adlai E. Stevenson and John F. Kennedy, succeeded in utilizing the ubiquitous television camera to heighten the...
Home Schooling Methods.(Home Schooling Methods: Seasoned Advice on Learning Styles)(Brief article)(Book review)Dunford, Michael
Google Share on Facebook Ples Medical Acronyms The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. a city (since 1925) in Furmanov Raion, Ivanovo Oblast, RSFSR, on the high right bank of the Volga River, 18 km from the Privolzhs...
Learning styles include () A. concrete styles B. ytical styles C. communicative styles D. authoritative-oriented styles 查看完整题目与答案 根据以下资料,完成各题。 2010年中国各部门、各地区加大了节能减排工作力度,高耗能行业产能过快增长的势头得到遏制,六大高耗能行业增加值增长13.5%,比上半年...
The aim of this research was to assess whether knowledge of learning style effects learning outcomes in terms of GPA, perceived learning styles, and perceived preferred learning style. EXPLORING EFFECTS OF LEARNING STYLES ON LEARNING OUTCOMES In each of the learning style category, sex difference was...
Translating learning style theory into university teaching practices: An article based on Kolb’s experiential learning model - Terry - 2001 () Citation Context ...learning. RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT OF LEARNING STYLES ON COURSE CONTENT Numerous studies have investigated the impact of learning styles ...
Article on Yoga - Wondering if you can do yoga? This article will help you understand the benefits of practising yoga and decide if yoga is the right option for your current physical situation.
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heavily on learning performance in large-group classrooms, small-group assignments, individual essay research-writing situations, and mid-term and final exams, it behooves university instructors and learning assistants to examine the relationships between student learning styles and these instructional ...
Background: Learning styles determine how people manage new information. Evidence-based medicine (EBM) involves the management of information in clinical practice. As a consequence, the way in which a person uses EBM can be related to his or her learning style. In order to tailor EBM education...