conservation of natural resources, the wise use of the earth's resources by humanity. The term conservation came into use in the late 19th cent. and referred to the management, mainly for economic reasons, of such valuable natural resources as timber, fish, game, topsoil, pastureland, and ...
Conservation of Natural ResourcesEcosystemBiodiversitySpecies SpecificityBirdsCanadaOntarioEnvironmentIt is commonly asserted in the ecological and economic literature that habitat loss is the main cause of loss of imperiled species. The evidence clearly shows that habitat loss is a common contributing factor...
”与前一句动词都是“导致、造成”,都在说明一个现象造成了结果,其中的“Even small changes in the ecosystem”是对“The loss of natural resources”的更进一步说明,“cause huge disasters”呼应前一句的“economic crises, wars or diseases”,灾难的具体内容通过下文蜜蜂的例子加以具体说明,因此G选项承上启下,...
Amid vigorous urban renewal initiatives and widespread trade-in programs, the recycling of diverse waste materials has become a focal point in both industry and academia. Submission deadline:31 October 2025 Sustainable Bio-Based and Bio-Inspired Solutions for Resource Conservation and Carbon Sequestration...
Conservation of MAP kinase activity and MSP genes in parthenogenetic nematodes p pBackground/p pMAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase activation is a prerequisite for oocyte maturation, ovulation and fertilisation in many animals. In... P Heger,M Kroiher,N Ndifon,... - 《Bmc Developmental ...
aParagraph (g) of GATT Article XX allows WTO Members to adopt measures aimed at the conservation of exhaustible natural resources, once these measures do not constitute a disguised restriction on international trade. 一旦 (这些) 措施不构成对国际贸易的一个假装的制约段g GATT文章XX允许WTO成员采取措施...
Ethanol is another bioproduct that aids in the conservation of natural resources. Biofuel is primarily focused on being created from raw resources that are not detrimental to the environment and result in pollution. Bioethanol produced positive results in reducing pollution. It is increasingly being ...
environmentalism, movement to protect the quality and continuity of life through conservation of natural resources, prevention of pollution, and control of land use. The philosophical foundations for environmentalism in the United States were established by Thomas Jefferson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry...
Like the oceans, the terrestrial biosphere aids climate mitigation by absorbing about 20% of fossil-fuel CO2 emissions71. Given these synergies and tensions, effective land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation policies much be formulated to safeguard nature and biodiversity conservation. A ...
“On the Russian Novella and the Novellas of Mr. Gogol” (1835). A detailed description of the natural school and its major works is contained in Belinskii’s articles “A Survey of Russian Literature in 1846,”“A Survey of Russian Literature in 1847,” and “Answer to theMoskvitianin[...