In the USSR domestic book exchange has developed significantly. Book-exchange holdings have been established by the central, republic, oblast, and certain other libraries. The largest one is the Central Book-Exchange Holding of the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR, which had more than 3...
Ciara Davey,Laura Lundy.Towards Greater Recognition of the Right to Play:An Analysis of Article 31 of the UNCRC. CHILDREN & COCIETY VOLUME . 2011Towards Greater Recognition of the Right to Play:An Analysis of Article 31 of the UNCRC. Ciara.davey,Laura.Lundy. Children and Society . 2011...
Yet all Pacific island states are signatories to the Convention. This paper considered the role of the courts in using the UNCRC to advance children' rights in states where little has been done at government level to comply with the UNCRC in domestic law, looking in particular at family and ...