Focus articles centre on a specific topic, giving a personal view and a critical evaluation of the current state of knowledge. These short articles summarise the key results, the work currently being done, the challenges ahead and how the field is evolving. 以下来自维基百科: There are several ...
提能二串·单元要点 ·高效语境]#Last week, the title of an article-"Neither Pine1.Apple in Pineapple" caught my eyes.After reading the article, the unique and creative view made me realize that even the 2.(small words can be rather confusing. If the real meanings on the words 3.(base...
“Tantalized is one of many English words that have their origins in myths and legends of the past.”以及“ Many (but not all) English dictionaries give you a brief indication of a word's origins in brackets before or after the explanation of the meaning.”...
a 2.Avoid"Must"Thinking .Let go of the notion that you must do something in a certain way--for example,"I must get a great score on a test ,or else."This thought pattern only adds to the stress you"ll feel. 2.Avoid "必须"认为。放弃您必须做某事用某一方式的概念--例如, “我在...
Setting an example for the class of 2000. (includes related article) (National Engineers Week)Kuehler, J.DHurt, Nathan H
Study this example John says: I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch. The Sandwich wasn’t very good but the apple was nice.解释:John says ‘a sandwich’, ‘an apple’ because this is the first time he talks about them. Then, John says ‘the sandwich’, ‘the apple’ because the...
外文素材改编自TH E WEEK Junior如何写出一篇好文章Writing an article is one way to express your opinion. People often write articles to encourage others to think more deeply about something. 1._ D Choose a topic. Your topic could be your opinion about something that's happening around you. 2...
“Gossip became transnational” as letters were shared between family and acquaintances inbothsettings. Even silence is itself a type of communication. It was a way of changing the tenor of the relationship. For example, a child could take her time in replying to a parent and there is ...
A metabolomics approach was used to characterize and identify the biochemical compounds present in the intestine of broiler chickens fed a standard, unsupplemented diet or a diet supplemented with the antibiotic growth promoters, virginiamycin or bacitracin methylene disalicylate. Compared with un...
2 and 4). The success of our method surpasses that previously reported for approaches to engineer biofortification by using Agrobacterium-mediated integration into the plant genome. For example, in rice, more than 1,600 transgenic T0 lines were required to generate two low-T-DNA-copy lines with...