Kiel Jr., John LoranMilitary Law Review
Article 21 of the current UCMJ is based on Article of War 15. Some observations on the future of U.S. military commissions (2) Violation of the 93rd Article of War, with the further specification that "with intent to do bodily harm, [he] commit[ed] an assault upon Jonas Amponfie, ...
Under UCMJ Article 66(c), the military's courts of criminal appeals have the unusual appellate power of conducting a de novo review of a trial court's findings of fact. Congress gave the military's appellate courts their unusual fact-finding powers in 1950 because under the original UCMJ, ...
apparent unlawful command influenceactual unlawful command influenceThis article will examine in depth the decisions in United States v. Barry and United States v. Boyce to illustrate why Congress should amend Article 37 of theSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
American Military Justice and International Criminal Court Complementarity: The Case of UCMJ Article 60Although the American military is effectively one of the most potent of international institutions, discussions of its regulation have been oddly domestic. The court-martial – the single most important...
Sheathing the Jurisdictional Sword: Constraining the Application of Article 2(c), UCMJ, to the Reserve ComponentsThe article suggests judge advocates (JAs) frequently reviewing the requests to use government resources in the U.S. Topics discussed include importance of effectively advising senior ...