In Japan, "anime," pronounced "ah-nee-meh," are cartoons that date back to the early 1900s. A related Japanese term is "manga," which refers to animated cartoons and comics in general, not necessarily in the anime style. Outside Japan, the terms manga and anime are often used synonymo...
insectariums are built in the form of narrow-walled, collapsible breeding tanks, with shaded glass walls set apart the width of the insect’s body; thus, the insect is always visible to the investigator. For the observation of ant life, a special insectarium, the formicarium, is used; it...
IndigenousPeoplesAdminReds Are Now Into Business
A new and promising area in the field of animal genetics is the genetics of resistance to infectious, parasitic, and fungous diseases. For example, there are known to be genetically determined differences in the resistance of animals to mastitis, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, and piropla...
in harmony with the local community. The ancestors of Jose Rizal, national hero and founding father of the Philippines, came from Jinjiang of China's Fujian Province. The famed Chinese General Ye Fei, who fought for the founding of New China, was born in Quezon of the Philippines. For ...
athere's little important news in the newspaper today 今天有一点重要新闻在报纸 [translate] aCSR begin to have emerged in countries such as China, India, South Africa, the Philippines and Brazil, among others. CSR在国家开始涌现了例如中国、印度、南非、菲律宾和巴西,在其他中。 [translate] aI was...
Marine Conservation Finance Consulting and Ocean Finance Initiative, Asian Development Bank, Metro Manila, Philippines Melissa Walsh University of Seychelles James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute, University of Seychelles, Anse Royale, Seychelles ...
Susan looked at me with a tear in her eye, stating softly, “And now it’s my time, time for another mission.” I put my arm around her, seeing how difficult the news had been for her. She shrugged an...
Philippines Quick View: Malampaya Ownership Debacle Does Little To Shore Up Shaky Upstream Sector Outlook In The Philippines The Latest: The confusing circumstances surrounding the Malampaya gas-to-power project in the Philippines took another turn in March, after the Philippines government indicated th...
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF BLUE ARRAYS CORPORATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we‚ all of legal age‚ citizens and residents of the Republic of the Philippines‚ have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the laws of the...