Economie Mondiale Et ProtectionismeAn excellent essay, by a Professor at the University of Liege, re-examining the problem of international trade relations.William L. LangerForeign Affairs
The leading economics journals are the Economic Abstracts (since 1953), Economie (since 1935), De Economist (since 1852), and Netherlands, Centraal Bureau voor de statistiek: Maandschrift (since 1906). G. A. KHOMIANIN LINGUISTICS. Interest in the study of Dutch and other European languages ...
Globalizarea economiei mondialeAt present among contemporary international economic life analys, appeared a large opinions convergence in judment that the world changed in a profound way, it is in a major political and economic transaction and the 'nintiessi - in point of many aspects- was ...
Indiferent de lacunele de funcionare, sistemul financiar gndit in cadrul acestei conferine a rmas un reper important al fenomenului de globalizare a economiei mondiale.Andi Mihail Bncil