An increase in sexual arousal is a side-effect not previously reported.doi:10.1016/S0003-3944(03)00106-8E RullierService de chirurgie digestive, hôpital Saint-André, 1, rue Jean-Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux, FranceElsevier Masson SASAnnales De Chirurgie...
and Serran, G.A. (2008). CEU eligible article: The prevalence of sexual addiction in incarcerated sexual offenders and matched community nonoffenders. Sexual addiction and compulsivity, vol. 15 (4), pp. 271-283.Marshall, L. E., Marshall, W. L., Moulden, H. M., & Serran, G. A. ...
Marine artificial structures (MAS), including oil and gas installations (O&G) and offshore wind farms (OWFs), have a finite operational period. Selecting the most suitable decommissioning options when reaching end-of-life remains a challenge, in part
Special Hungarian civil engineering detachments operated as part of the Second Soviet Ukrainian Front and the First Bulgarian Army. After the conclusion of the war and the victory of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the HPA became the class army of the proletariat. The continuity of the army...
There is often a correlation between a positive MRD-test result and cumulative incidence of cancer relapse/recurrence (CIR). However, previously-reported numbers were not stellar [24]. For example, in CML a positive MRD-test predicted a 42–74 percent cumulative incidence of cytogenetic or haemat...
High sensitivity and good linearity over a wide range of oxygen concentrations are important features. (auth)doi:10.1016/S0368-2315(06)78319-3F. BretelleL. Camoin-JauElsevier Masson SASJournal De Gynécologie Obstétrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction...
achat de nouveaux matériaux, au paiement d’heures supplémentaires, de pénalité de retard, etc. L’article 1788 du Code Civil fait en effet, reposer la responsabilité des actes réalisés sur le chantier sur le maître d’ouvrage même si le fautif n’est pas l’un de ses ...
Many colonial laws have been abolished in Algeria, and many important legislative acts in a number of branches of law have been adopted (in 1963 and 1969 decrees on self-government, in 1966 a criminal code and codes on criminal and civil procedure, and other matters). In 1965 a reorganizati...
由此看来,刚氏对一般中国人向遗像鞠躬致礼,以及祭祖与祭孔的习俗已有定见,认为原带有宗教意涵的仪式(rites)已经世俗化,也已成为民间非宗教性的习俗(civil customs),目的在于对亡者表示孝心与敬意;如果教会将此类礼节订在禁止之列,教徒们的立场势必极为尴尬,也会造成教外人轻视一个对亡者不敬的宗教。69 ...
(23)英国继受国事罪法的情况参见S.P.Scott,The Civil Law,Vol.XV(Cincinnati:The Central Trust Company,1932),pp.29—30,note;欧洲大陆的情况参见Carl Ludwig von Bar and others,A History of Continental Criminal Law,Translated by Thomas S.Bell and Others(Boston:Little,Brown,and Company,1916),p.73...