Mes articles en anglais, français et russe sont parus on-line et off-line. Common crawl The Journal publishes articles in English and French. Il est évident que les auteurs d'articles hyperspécialisés, qui ne s'adressent qu'à un segment étroit de spécialistes au sein d'une disc...
Dr. Christian Jay-Allemand Last update November 2015 Plant signalling mechanisms in response to the environment Edited by Dr. Eric Ruelland Prof. Jill Farrant Last update June 2015 Plant biotic and abiotic interactions Edited by Prof. Zhi-Bin Luo ...
In France, 49.236 new breast cancers were diagnosed in women in 2004 (Allemand et al, 2008). Between 2000 and 2004, the annual incidence rate increased by 2%. However, the precise proportion of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in France is unknown. Presently, DCIS accounts for approximately ...
Journal of Polymer Research(2021) Research Summary Optical functional materials: organoboron complexes make versatile building blocks Recent studies have revealed that boron diketonate and related compounds make versatile building blocks for functional optical materials. In particular, their ease of synthesis...
Bu derlemede potansiyel olarak hayati tehdit eden bir durum olan OHSS'nin öngörülmesi, önlenmesi ve tedavisinden mevcut literatür ›fl›¤›nda detayl›ca bahsedilecektir. OHSS'Y‹ ÖNGÖRME VE R‹SK FAKTÖRLER‹ OHSS'nin önlenebilmesi için en önemli ...
ENTRE FRAN AIS ET CHINOIS LE COMBAT DE QUAN-CHAU-WAN 义和团 LES BOXEURS CHINOIS 中国事件 德国水兵烧毁总理衙门 V NEMENTS DE CHINE Les Marins Allemands Br lent Le Tsung-Li-Yamen 中国事件 义和团 V NEMMENTS DE CHINE Les Boxers 清朝事件 清朝正规军部队 ...
EU Labour MarketsEuropean enlargementlabor marketassociated countriesFACTOR MARKETSIncomeDEMOECONOMICSHuman capitalNo abstract is available for this item.Forum Franco AllemandCEPII research centerWorking Papers
The Journal publishes articles in English and French. Il est évident que les auteurs d'articles hyperspécialisés, qui ne s'adressent qu'à un segment étroit de spécialistes au sein d'une discipline, seront mieux servis en proposant leur texteà des revues qui rejoignent ce type de ...
multiproduct networks - multiple competitors offering multiple productsFeatures CUES Net, a Credit Union Executive Society's free e-mail networking group. Services provided by CUES Net; Benefits of CUES Net membership.doi:10.1002/9780470400791....
doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2006.07.892P. S. GeraM. C. AllemandL. L. TatpatiD. MorbeckElsevierFertility & Sterility