Martin. Guide bibliographique de linguistique française. Paris, 1973.Robert, P. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française, vols. 1–6. Paris, 1959–64.Grand Larousse de la langue française, en sept volumes. Paris, 1971–. V. G. GAK The Great Soviet Encyclopedia,...
1-3. Hanoi, 1932-34.Brébion, A. Dictionnaire de bio-bibliographie … de I’Indochine franfaise, Paris, 1935.Indochina: A Bibliography of the Land and People. Washington, 1950. D. V. DEOPIK and A. G. MAZAEV Science and scholarship. Prior to the French colonization, scientific and ...
Dictionnaire de bio-bibliographie … de I’Indochine franfaise, Paris, 1935.Indochina: A Bibliography of the Land and People. Washington, 1950. D. V. DEOPIK and A. G. MAZAEV Science and scholarship. Prior to the French colonization, scientific and technological knowledge developed under the ...