Anti-Illegal-Immigration Opinion Article in High School Newspaper Protected by California Law:Eugene Volokh
Restrictionsplacedonimmigrationwereoftenbasedonraceornationality.Therewerealsorestrictionsagainsttheentranceofdiseasedpersons,paupers,andotherundesirables,andlawswerepassedforthedeportationofaliens.Thefirstpermanentquotalawwaspassedin1924;italsoprovidedforanationaloriginsplanto beputintoeffectin1929.In1952,theImmigration...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Illegal Hunting Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Related to Illegal Hunting:poaching,Poachers The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. ...
or a content that incites hatred or promotes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.
one could be forgiven for being confused as to the nature of the case. It has all the hall-marks of a “trust us folks, we’re really doing something to protect your children” public relations move, including a big, juicy quote from Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent/talking...
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#3 Also, the ones I saw there were not 18 19 year old wana be soldiers. These guys looked like 30-40 year old vets, still in great physical shape with very serious demeanors. Biden's deep state agents, even the FBI, wouldn't stand a chance against these dudes in a bar room brawl...
The latest talk of impeachment seems largely driven by House GOP leadership’s need to maintain support of its most conservative members. In late May, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was considering voting against the debt ceiling deal negotiated by House...
In the end my mother decided against changing her registration. Any criticism she might have of Bush, she decided, would be more credible if she stayed in the party, a sophisticated conclusion I admire and applaud. Although Democrats can�t count on being the automatic beneficiaries of such ...
The petitioner has, it seems, prematurely approached this Court when not even process has been issued against the officials of the petitioner Bank, which means that learned Chief Judicial Magistrate has yet to make up his mind whether any...