Without the article itself, we can only determine the most likely purpose based on the provided options. Option C is the most general and plausible purpose for an article about Nikola Tesla. It encompasses a broader scope than the other options, which focus on specific aspects like his influenc...
Nikola Tesla - AC and Radio The company was named after electrical engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), who made major contributions to the design of AC current. In addition, Tesla is credited with inventing radio after the U.S. Supreme Court awarded all of Guglielmo Marconi's radio patents ...
尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla),1856年7月10日出生于奥地利帝国斯米良,是一位杰出的塞尔维亚裔美籍发明家、物理学家、机械工程师和电机工程师。他的一生充满了创新和戏剧性,对现代世界产生了深远的影响。 特斯拉在1895年为美国尼亚加拉发电站制造了发电机组,这是世界上著名的水电站之一。1897年,他使马可尼...
Nikola Tesla is the true unsung prophet of the electric age; without whom our radio, auto ignition, telephone, alternating current power generation and transmission, radio and television would all have been impossible. Yet his life and tim...
So the next time you turn on a light switch, or use your smartphone, take a moment to think about Nikola Tesla. He was a truly remarkable man, and his inventions have changed the world in ways that we can only begin to imagine. In addition to his incredible inve...
Legacy.(Legacy: The Life of Nikola Tesla)(Brief article)(Book review)Taylor, John
A classic example is that of the genius Nikola Tesla, whose advanced knowledge of electromagnetic principles also may have produced his legendary “Death Ray,” capable, some say, of destroying large sections of the planet. There are estimated to be over 4,000 unnumbered patent applications that...
Nikola Tesla's Weird Obsession with Pigeons Timeline of theTitanic’s Final Hours Why Do Some People Call Football “Soccer”? How Does Wi-Fi Work? HomeGeography & TravelCountries of the World Italy Article Italy summary Learn about the history of the unification of Italy ...
Nikola Tesla's Weird Obsession with Pigeons Falling Stars: 10 of the Most Famous Endangered Species Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement HomePhilosophy & ReligionPhilosophers Noam Chomsky Article Noam Chomsky summary Learn about Noam Chomsky and his approach to linguistics ...
Reviews the book "Nikola Tesla and the Taming of Electricity," by Lisa J. Aldrich.Norton, EricJones, Trevelyn EToth, LuannCharnizon, MarleneGrabarek, DarylRaben, Daleschool library journalAldrich, L.: ...