In order to lower maternal and infant mortality, special maternity homes have been established for women anticipating premature birth and women suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or Rh-incompatibility. Kolkhoz maternity homes, which are maintained and supported by kolkhozes, have been set...
The maternal organism, acted upon by the external environment, becomes in its turn the external environment of the fetus, interaction with which is effected mainly through the circulatory system of the afterbirth—placenta. For this reason, the mother’s condition before and during pregnancy is ...
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing May/June 2003, Volume :28 Number 3 , page 205 - 211 [Buy]Keywords Baby Think It Over Infant simulator, Teen parenting, Teen pregnancy Authors Malinowski, Ann MSc, RN Stamler, Lynnette Leeseberg PhD, RN ABSTRACT Purpose: To explore adol...
This is contained in the 10th edition (2008) of the CDC's Pink Book Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases.doi:10.1097/01.nmc.0000357920.25853.fcKarol ClementMCN Am J Matern Child NursMCN: American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing...
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing November/December 2017, Volume :42 Number 6 , page 360 - 360[Free] Authors Killion, Molly M. MS, RN, CNS Article Content Over the past decade, opioid use has quadrupled in the United States, including increased use in pregnancy, leading...
Methods: Pregnant women enrolled in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (n = 51,558) completed a questionnaire with questions about maternal emotional distress, relationship satisfaction, and other risk factors. Associations between 37 predictor variables and emotional distress were estimated by ...
Our hypothesis was twofold: (1) language status, as an individual-level variable, is significantly associated with child engagement, and (2) classroom structure and the proportion of qualified teachers in the classroom, as classroom-level variables, are significantly associated with child engagement. ...
Sundin CS, Johnson ML. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome. MCN. The American journal of maternal child nursing. 2018 Mar/Apr:43(2):77-82. doi: 10.1097/NMC.0000000000000409. Epub[PubMed PMID: 29470266] [9] Faille LD, Fieuws S, Van Paesschen W. Clinical predictors and differential ...
Leake RD 1994 The fetal-maternal neurohypophyseal system. In: Tulchinsky D, Little AB (eds) Maternal Fetal Endocrinology, 2nd Ed. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 263–274 72. Sperling MA 1994 Carbohydrate metabolism: insulin and glucagons. In: Tulchinsky D, Little AB (eds) Maternal Fetal ...
s child in private ECEC can be seen as a choice in the context of universal ECEC and, if so, what type of choice. The results increase understanding of the position of private ECEC in the Nordic welfare and education regimes, which are characterised by high-quality, affordable, and ...