Philippines, Republic of TheThe following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Philippines, Republic of The(Republika fig Pilipinas; Repiiblica de Filipinas). The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia, occupying the islands of ...
Diplomatic etiquette—that is, the observance of different accepted formalities or conventions in manners, the use of a particular language, etc.—plays a large role in the execution of a diplomatic action. Thus, for example, one of the diplomatic languages—considered to be French, English, Rus...
History Spain held the islands for about 300 years before selling them to Germany in 1899. Japan seized them in 1914 and was given a mandate over them by the League of Nations in 1920. A major Japanese naval base in World War II, Palau was seized by U.S. forces in 1944 and made pa...
Because of China’s long history and ethnic diversity, the country’s intangible cultural heritage is very diverse. This contributed to many features in various art forms, including the evolution of specific aspects of musical poetics in instrumental music [2]. As a musicology term, musical poetic...
More than two hundred papers have reported genome-wide data from ancient humans. While the raw data for the vast majority are fully publicly available testifying to the commitment of the paleogenomics community to open data, formats for both raw data and
English, Spanish, Russian (2)Names of sports: volleyball, hockey, baseball (3)Names of academic subjects: mathematics, biology, history, computer science(4) do not use an article before nouns when talking 4) do not use an article before nouns when talking in general general terms....
Due to its history with colonial struggles and failure in post-war recovery, there exists in Vietnam a strong desire for economic betterment through subscribing to the values of global capitalism, especially that of entrepreneurialism. ‘The global market was fair; competition offered an equal ...
mathematics, biology, history, computer science Click to edit Master text styles ◦ Second level ◦ Third level Fourth level Fifth level (4) do not use an article before nouns when talking in general terms. eg. Inflation is rising. People are worried about rising crime. (Note! People...
Nihon-no rekishi (History of Japan), vols. 1–26. Tokyo, 1965–67.Nihon rekishi koja (Lectures on the History of Japan), vols. 1–8. Tokyo, 1957.Shin Nihon shi taikei (Essays on Japanese History in a New Light), vols. 1–7. Tokyo, 1957–58.Nihon zenshi (Complete History of ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has ignited interest in age-specific manifestations of infection but surprisingly little is known about relative severity of infectious disease between the extremes of age. In a systematic analysis we identified 142 datasets with in