L’article 905 du Code de procédure civile prévoit que lorsque l’appel est interjeté contre une ordonnance de référé, le président de la chambre saisie, d’office ou à la demande des parties, fixe les jours et heures auxquels l’affaire sera appelée à bref délai. Selon les dis...
In the first five months of the war 667 enterprises were moved to the Urals. By the end of 1941 the Urals were producing 62 percent of the country’s pig iron and about 50 percent of its steel and rolled products. Between 1941 and 1943 the gross output of Ural plants tripled, and ...
New Flight Deck Trousers Debut on EnterpriseReports that the USS Enterprise was selected by the United States Navy as the first deployed carrier authorized to wear the restructured flight deck trousers.All Hands