Article 5 of the ECHR and 28-Day Pre-Charge Detention of Terrorist Suspectsdoi:10.53386/NILQ.V60I2.487Brice DicksonSchool of Law, Queen's University Belfast
hers v UK (2012)]]>Hamilton, MichaelECHR-Blogspot
contravention of Article 3 of the First Protocol of the ECHR (right to free and fair elections). 2005 年,欧洲人权法院大法庭认定,在赫斯特诉联合王国(第2号) 案中, 联合王国一律禁止服刑期囚犯投票的做法违反了《欧洲人权公 约 第一 议 定书》第 3条( 自由及公平选举的权利)...
(ECHR) ordered Russia to pay roughly $2.5 billion to Yukos shareholders. Both decisions criticized the Russian governments' actions against the company; in 2017 Russia's constitutional court ruled that the government had no obligation to adhere to the ECHR decision. A number of national courts ...
Keywords: ECHR; European Court of Human Rights; expulsion; international human rights adjudication; migrants; right to respect for private life; second-generation migrants; settled migrants; vulnerability; vulnerability analysis 1. Introduction In this article, I challenge the State's power to expel ...
无论是欧洲理事会(the Council of Europe),还是《欧洲人权公约》(the European Convention on Human Rights, ECHR),都在对成员国的行政程序和规则产生越来越大的影响。欧洲共同体(the European Community, EC)的影响则更大,它限制了成员国的程序自治(procedural autonomy)。更进一步的变化源于世界贸易组织(WTO)专家...
Presents information on a content publishing agreement between Handmark, Inc. and Sprint to provide games that can be downloaded wirelessly the PCS Smart Device Treo 600 by Handspring. Terms of the contract; F...
由于1998年《人权法案》(HRA)的生效,《欧洲人权公约》(ECHR)第9条所规定的宗教自由成为英国法律秩序的重要组成部分。此外,《人权法案》包括一项仅仅强调了该权利重要性的特别规定(s. 13. 1):“如果法院对依据本法案而产生的任何问题所做之决定会影响宗教组织(组织本身或其集体成员)行使公约之思想、良知和宗教...
有人说一个人红不红得看他有没有在香港的红磡开没开过演唱会。因为能在红磡开演唱会的都是像梅艳芳、谭咏麟、四大天王这样的天皇巨星。 有这样一个歌手他从出道再到红磡开演唱会用了9年的时间,虽然演唱的路走的很漫长,可他不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。他的出现结束了香港四大天王的音乐时代,他的唱片销量更是让“歌神...
靠女人在娱乐圈“逆天改命”,李亚鹏的软饭经历可以说是无人能及。 1996年,经历过前女友和导演夜光剧本事件的李亚鹏,在聚会上结识了一个名叫柯蓝的大腕。 这个柯蓝大有来头,她的爷爷是开国上将,奶奶是高知分子,爸妈才华横溢,自己年少有为。 种种光环造就了柯蓝坚韧,果断的性格,正对了李亚鹏的胃口。