L’article 905 du Code de procédure civile prévoit que lorsque l’appel est interjeté contre une ordonnance de référé, le président de la chambre saisie, d’office ou à la demande des parties, fixe les jours et heures auxquels l’affaire sera appelée à bref délai. Selon les dis...
The gastrointestinal systems of both people and animals, as well as soil and water, are home to the widespreadEnterobacteriaceaefamily. In the intestines, their existence aids digestion and the synthesis of essential vitamins. However, many are pathogenic and may cause several diseases including gastro...
Habitat and distribution The gastrointestinal systems of both people and animals, as well as soil and water, are home to the widespreadEnterobacteriaceaefamily. In the intestines, their existence aids digestion and the synthesis of essential vitamins. However, many are pathogenic and may cause several...
CNS infection withT pallidumoccurs in the majority, if not all, of the patients with syphilis; however, spontaneous resolution often occurs without an inflammatory response or clinical symptoms. Alternatively, transient or persistent meningitis can occur; in the latter case, they are deemed to have ...
Index of Authorsdoi:10.1017/S0031182000013925Cambridge University PressParasitology
Preparations and AppliancesNo abstract available.British Medical Journal