More than 40 percent of the entire human race speaks one of the five most common languages (Chinese, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Russian). The Russian language, which has been voluntarily chosen by all the peoples of the USSR as the common language for communication, is the native language...
In a further reorganization in 1966, Punjab was divided into two states: Hindi-speaking Haryana and Punjabi-speaking Punjab (2001 provisional pop. 24,289,296), 19,764 sq mi (51,189 sq km). The capital of Punjab is Chandigarh. Other important cities in Punjab are Amritsar, Jalandhar, and...
ICC Assembly of States Parties . ‘Statement by Hon. Frederick Ruhindi on Behalf of the African Union at the 12th Assembly of States Parties’ (21 November 2013). Accessed 12 November 2016. 204...
(SD) age 34.5 (15) years (range 11-59) and mean forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 80% predicted from districts of high ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation within inner city Birmingham were reviewed in the appropriate dialect (English, Pu...
Plays are performed in Hindi, Urdu, and Bengali and in other national languages of India. India’s first state theater school was founded in New Delhi. Many new theatrical organizations and theaters have been established in Africa. They include the Algerian National Theater (Algeria), the ...