根目录新建conf目录 新建 my.cnf 内容如下重点配置说明 强制执行 rpc_port端口为32886 不然默认是33660 导致连接不上[mysqld] socket = /usr/local/develop/PolarDB-X/polardbx_engine/run/mysql.sock datadir = /usr/local/develop/PolarDB-X/polardbx_engine/data tmpdir = /usr/local/develop/PolarDB-X/po...
container 859 root 7r a_inode 0,14 0 1053 inotify container 859 root 8u unix 0xffff96061c390c00 0t0 553 /run/containerd/containerd.sock.ttrpc type=STREAM container 859 root 9u unix 0xffff96061c390800 0t0 554 /run/containerd/containerd.sock type=STREAM container 859 root 10u IPv4 20344 ...
Lava Foundation是一个新成立的非营利机构,致力于开发模块化区块链网络Lava。Lava网络专注于通过远程过程调用(RPC)提供数据访问服务,目前处于测试网阶段,并计划在2024年上半年正式推出主网和LAVA代币。LAVA代币总供应量设定为10亿,部分将通过空投分发给用户。此外,Lava也计划将来支持更多数据基础设施服务,如索引、子图、...
品牌主要有: ALSTEM,Enzyme Research,Gene Bridges,Innovative Research of America,Pel-Freez TriLink,BIOCHAIN,glenresearch iNtRON等品牌 其中大部分品牌都备有现货,现货库存量达1000万。 同时起发还和国内500多家代理商保持着良好的合作,很多都拥有很好的进货价格。 上海起发2019年7月产品记录 货号品名规格品牌04-...
RPC24939-50ug Recombinant Human Selenoprotein P (SEPP1) 50μg biomatik 13512-1-AP SNRPB2 Polyclonal Antibody 100 µl proteintech CA-R933 Mitochondrial ROS Activity Assay Kit (Deep Red Fluorescence) 200 assays eenzyme E-EL-M0060 Mouse GH(Growth Hormone) ELISA Kit 96T elabscience ...
RPC20272 Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Ovary tumors. Plus positive control and negative control 2 slides biochain CnT-DNP-10 Recombinant Human Protein Wnt-10a (WNT10A), 50μg Biomatik CFT012250 CnT Dispase II, Neutral Protease 5 x 100 mg cellntec C03-04001 锥形底,草绿色盖,RCF7500...
RPC26110 Recombinant Mouse Bone morphogenetic protein 8B (Bmp8b) 50μg biomatik 700340 (96wells) Thiol Detection Assay Kit 96wells cayman 1758-9030 DTT 25g inalco DR50050 DRAQ5™ (5mM) 1x 50µl biostatus CRM-maleimide EcoCRM®-Maleimide-25 25 mg finabio D7658-5G 3,4-Dihydroxy-L-...
The drive does not support Mount Rainier and it uses the well known RPC II region control, allowing a user to change the drive's region at most 5 times. Below are the drive's main specs as given by NeroInfoTool and DVDInfoPro: - Tested Kit / Software Bundle The test kit that arrived...
25-D1005PS-02L 0/300PSI优势产品 TESTO 512 RANGE:0~2000hpa优势产品 VSS-P32RC-NGA优势产品 2xlR6 AA 1.5V优势产品 JH-2YB 0-1MPa 4-20MA优势产品 1390 PT375-1-30M优势产品 2PPD121PEX优势产品 MT4W-DA-40优势产品 VPG8-AS-100KPa(0-100.0Kpa)优势产品 ...
Christianity in Britain, 300-700doi:10.2307/2851581M. W. BarleyR. P. C. HansonSpeculumBarley, M. e Hanson, R.1968. Christianity in Britain, 300-700, Leicester.