Persistent exclusion of non-English speakers in Pediatric research: a national analysis using Akila V. Muthukumar Kavya M. Shah Barbara E. Bierer Special Article22 Jan 2025 Respiratory distress syndrome is the poster child for neonatology ...
1. Mao Zedong’s dream of a national automotive industry came true in 1953, when the First Automotive Works (FAW) was founded with the aid of communist allies. However, technology transfers from the...
Delivery of very small amounts of reagents to the near-field of cells with micrometer spatial precision and millisecond time resolution is currently out of reach. Here we present μkiss as a micropipette-based scheme for brushing a layer of small molecul
Easy Steps to Write a Position Paper How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples How to Address Envelopes for College Recommendation Letters How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers
MTT, clonogenic assay and xenograft nude mice model were undertaken to observe the variation of proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Results It was shown that elevated TMED3 markedly correlated with ER, PR, Her-2 status, and lymph nodes metastases in addition to significant association with...
The latest version % of this license is in: % % % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet % . % % This work derives from merlin.mbs, part of the custom-bib % ...
This article discusses several features of preparing preprints with the elsart document style.For more general information about L A T E X,see the L A T E X manual written by Lamport[1]or the booklet Preparing Articles with L A T E X, which is part of Elsevier Science’s L A T E ...
Two genres (experimental vs. theoretical) were analysed following Swales’s older version of the CARS model [Swales's (1981) four-move analysis]. They investigated three groups of physical scientists’ RA introductions: Anglo-American physical scientists writing in English (11 articles), Chinese ...
In practical engineering, the working conditions of gearbox are complex and variable. In varying working conditions, the performance of intelligent fault diagnosis model is degraded because of limited valid samples and large data distribution differences
Article: CD200 as a Potential New Player in Inflammation during Rotator Cuff Tendon Injury/Repair: An In Vitro Model Authors: by Raffaella Giancola, Francesco Oliva, Marialucia Gallorini, Noemi Michetti, Clarissa Gissi, Fadl Moussa, Cristina Antonetti Lamorgese Passeri, Alessia Colosimo and Anna...