The outcome was assessed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after discharge through routine follow-up visits in our outpatient clinic or through phone interviews. All cases were independently assessed by the same neurologist specializing in stroke, who was unaware of ankle-brachial index data. Patients ...
Introduction: Atopy, the clinical definition of an immunoglobulin E (IgE) high-responder, can be documented either by the detection of IgE antibodies in serum or by a positive skin prick test. Epidemiological studies use different reaction sizes to define a skin test reaction as positive or ...
2017. Report of the ISHLT Working Group on Primary Lung Graft Dysfunction, part I: Definition and grading—A 2016 Consensus Group statement of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 3610:1097–1103. Aghapour, M., et al. 2020. M...
As outcomes, we considered the “reduction of office (clinic) systolic/diastolic blood pressure” or “reduction of 24-h ambulatory systolic/diastolic blood pressure reduction”. Additionally, we conducted a review of the references cited in the articles identified during our search, to ensure the ...
At issue is the religious definition of when life begins. People who believe that life begins at conception, and that this life is morally and legally independent from the mother, generally label themselves pro-life. Others believe that life begins at a later point—for many, that point is ...
Comparison of Tanreqing and Xuebjing in treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Drugs Clinic. 2016;31:1732–1736. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Hu KX, Wen XH. Efficacy of asthma koji injection combined with western medicine in the treatment of lung ...
Believing that a physician’s observations should be confirmed by experiment and that pathological findings should be related to physiological data, Botkin organized a laboratory in 1861 at the clinic of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. There, the close relationship between physiology ...
These objective measures can provide utility for manual diagnosis in clinic or can be used as input into multi-modal diagnostic systems based on machine learning. Non-specific risk assessment tools While differential diagnosis based on speech alone is likely not possible for many conditions, ...
The Tiantanzhixin app is a free-of-charge application designated for smart phones. All of the patients who visited the outpatient clinic or chest pain center, or were hospitalized in our department for any reason were recommended to install this app by scanning a quick response code. This novel...
Cheok CF, Verma CS, Baselga J, Lane DP (2011) Translating p53 into the clinic. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 8 (1): 25–37. Article CAS Google Scholar De Grandis V, Bizzarri AR, Cannistraro S (2007) Docking study and free energy simulation of the complex between p53 DNA-binding domain and...