Under the first paragraph of Article 21 TFEU (former Article 18 EC), every citizen of the Union shall have the right to move and reside freely within the territory of the MS, subject to the limitations and conditions laid down in the Treaties and by the measures adopted to give them ...
Exploring the Outer Limits of Article 114 TFEU - towards a general power? : An analysis of non-market objectives and "measures having as their object the establishment and functioning of the internal market" The article presents the idea of determining technical wear of the construction, based on...
fundamental research, applied research and privately funded research. In addition, it should take into account the Union’s objective under Article 179(1) TFEU of achieving a
The (Second) Modernisation of Article 102 TFEU: Reconciling Effective Enforcement, Legal Certainty and Meaningful Judicial Review Outlines the case 'C-387/97 Commission vs. Hellenic Republic.' Commentaries on the European Court's judgment which deals with the procedural issues concern... IC Pablo -...
其他工具使欧洲人能够出于战略原因制约这些公司:《欧盟运作条约》(TFEU)第346条豁免军事采购的一些单一市场规则,欧洲联盟网络安全局(ENISA)的认证流程提供共同的网络标准,欧盟双重用途法规限制敏感技术出口,其外国直接投资法规允许筛选流入投资。 但该领域也适用其他“平民”机制。国际采购工具(IPI)使委员会能够对限制其...
Article 158 TFEU repeats in an identical manner the wordings of ex-Article 142 TEC and ex-Article 119a TEEC and establishes the maintenance of any pre-existing national systems relating to paid holiday schemes. The content of the provision has remained static since 1957 when it was introduced ...
Article 65 TFEU does not explicitly state whether it applies only to MSs, third countries, or both. The opening sentence of Article 65 TFEU declares that the provisions of Article 63 TFEU shall be without prejudice to the right of MSs to... S Seyad - Treaty on the Functioning of the Eu...
This chapter analyses the contribution of the EU Court of Justice to the fulfilment of the mandate under Article 16 TFEU. It focuses on the institutional position of the EU Court of Justice in the constitutional order of the Union and on its role as a constitutional court in relation to the...
The Challenges involved with the Application of Article 102 TFEU to the New Economy And the implications for the Google case On both sides of the Atlantic, the European Commission as well as the US Federal Trade Commission, have been investigating various business practices of Go... L Wei,T ...
Whereas, the abovementioned aid falls within the scope of Articles 92 to 94 of the Treaty by virtue of Article 21 of Regulation (EEC) No 2759/75; EurLex-2 The provisions of Article 153 TFEU do not apply to pay, by virtue of Article 153 para. 5 TFEU. EurLex-2 Visiting and ...