The article discusses the prospects for concurrent private enforcement of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Article 102 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). The DMA aims to ensure fair and contestable markets in the digital sector, and private litigation is seen as a ...
The thesis interprets the caveat of Article 194(2) TFEU in order to assess the use of the Article as a legal basis for energy provisions provided by the European Union. The research subject is the Energy Title in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union and the possibilities of...
This thesis proposes a new understanding of Article 106(2) TFEU using composite legal and economic interrogative frameworks. Article 106(2) provides that under specified conditions, any Treaty rule may be disapplied with respect to services of general economic interest ('SGEIs'). The underlying res...
ad> SCORECARDSCORECARDSeveral charts on the financial performance of the companies including Huron Consulting Group, Corus Bankshares Inc., and Eagle Test Systems Inc.Crains Chicago Business
Competition Law in Intellectual Property Litigation: The Case for a Compulsory Licence Defence Under Article 102 TFEUAbuse of dominant positionCompulsory licensingCopyrightInfringementInjunctionsOrange-Book-StandardPatentRefusal to licenceRefusal to supply...
Case C-449/21 Towercast: Continental Can strikes back – the (Still) Good Law of Article 102 TFEUdoi:10.21552/core/2024/2/15LEGAL judgmentsMERGERS & acquisitionsAnnotation of the Judgment of the Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of 16 March 2023 in Case...
The sanction of nullity in the context of private enforcement of EU competition law – characteristics, application and consequences of Article 101(2) TFEU 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者:Jalo,Juho 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享
A Tale of Two Cities: Effects Analysis in Article 102 TFEU Between Competition Process And Market OutcomeEUROPEAN UnionTALE of Two Cities, A (Book : Dickens)doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpad004Di Giovanni Bezzi RaffaeleJournal of European Competition Law & Practice...
(2015). Intel, leveraging rebates and the goals of Article 102 TFEU. European Competition Journal: Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 26-68.doi:10.2139/ssrn.2567628Nicolas PetitSSRN Electronic JournalPETIT, N., Intel, Leveraging rebates and the goals of Article 102 TFEU, in European Competition Journal,...
In this paper we compare the concepts of monopolization and abuse of dominance as in 搂2 of the Sherman Act and Article 102 of the TFEU, respectively. After identifying a number of distinctive features in wording and interpretation - including the special responsibility of the dominant firm, ...