HartnettBrianN.SparksWillCompetition Law & Policy Debate
This study examines the degree to which the application of Article 101(1) Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to patent technology transfer licensing agreements considers and promotes innovation. The study presents a n... V Bastidas Venegas - Department of Law, Stockholm Univer...
Article 101 TFEUintellectual propertysettlementspay-for-delayrestriction of competitionPay-for-delay cases raise fundamental points of law, including the notion of (potential) competition and restriction by object. According to the richSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Comments on the Draft Commission Notice on the Notion of State Aid Pursuant to Article 107 (1) TFEUState aidEuropean UnionEuropean CommissionThe Centre of European Law at King's College London welcomes the initiative of the Commission to issue a notice on the notion of State aid. There are ...
Always at your service (within limits): The ECJ's case law on article 56 TFEU (2006-11) 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者: Stefan Enchelmaier 摘要: The European Court of Justice's case law between 2006 and 2011 on the freedom to provide services develops the principles of the ...
SANCTIONS AGAINST MEMBER STATES UNDER ARTICLE 260 TFEU: ALIVE, BUT NOT KICKING?The article examines Article 260(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), and provides an assessment of the amendments introduced in the Lisbon Treaty. The procedural and substantive conditions...
In Article 222 TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) a broad provision on solidarity is to be found: 'The Union and its Member States shall act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the object of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-...
红枣作为补血益气安神的佳品,女生食用再好不过。枣香和奶香浓郁,口感酥软香甜,简单的食材搭配却能做出惊艳全家人的营养小甜饼! ·食材清单· ·做法· 红枣去核后切成小碎丁待备用 把酵母放入牛奶中,混合搅拌融化开 💡牛奶加热到30°C发酵更快 没有牛奶用等量清水代替 ...
ad> SCORECARDSCORECARDSeveral charts on the financial performance of the companies including Huron Consulting Group, Corus Bankshares Inc., and Eagle Test Systems Inc.Crains Chicago Business
This thesis proposes a new understanding of Article 106(2) TFEU using composite legal and economic interrogative frameworks. Article 106(2) provides that under specified conditions, any Treaty rule may be disapplied with respect to services of general economic interest ('SGEIs'). The underlying res...