The first legislative attempts to assure African Americans an equal political and legal status were the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1870, 1871, and 1875. Those acts bestowed upon African Americans such freedoms as the right to sue and be sued, to give evidence, and to hold real and personal...
activism (redirected fromcivil rights activist) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia activism active involvement as a member of aPOLITICAL PARTY,PRESSURE GROUP, or related political organization, e.g. a ‘trades union activist’. Theories and research concerned withpolitical activismsuggest that the tende...
civil defense Comenius, John Amos Condorcet, Marquis de Curry, Jabez Denis Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin Didactics education Fonvizin, Denis Fonvizin, Denis Ivanovich Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic Hungary References in periodicals archive?
66. Non-imaging active remote sensing methods like LiDAR can provide highly accurate depth information in shallow waters67. As the extent of Adam’s Bridge lies submerged in shallow
“a sea of mud,” and not until the 20th cent. did it cease to be an unkempt rural city and assume its present urban aspect. Though strongly manned during the Civil War, it was several times threatened by the Confederates, notably by Gen. Jubal A.Earlyin 1864. In 1871, Washington ...
1871.T 9232.T 7250.T 5541.T 7455.T 9629.T 1893.T 7956.T 7246.T 2281.T 5015.T 2809.T 1926.T 9948.T 4022.T 8566.T 3941.T 8029.T 6272.T 7769.T 7752.T 7734.T 4220.T 4526.T 6462.T 5947.T 8200.T 6413.T 6823.T 7451.T 2910.T 7445.T 6963.T 4527.T 2266.T 9882.T...
These included guarantees to protect French language and culture, both directly (by making French an official language in Quebec and Canada as a whole) and indirectly (by allocating jurisdic- tion over education and "Property and Civil Rights in the Province" to the provinces). The protection ...
thenthetwo partiesdebated profoundlyifitwasnecessar ytocom pileaCivilCode,andin1888thisdebatewasendedb ythere jectionoftheCivilCodeaforementionedb ythe parliamentofNewYork’sState.Thecodeisdividedintofourbooks,namel y, person, propert y,obli gationand general provisions,whichisoneattem pttodealwiththe...
(1790年7月12日)《神职人员民事宪章》(the Civil Constitution of the Clergy),一个由国家单方面颁布的法规,规定了宗教神职人员的地位以及天主教信仰活动的组织形式。依照该法规,教会从属于国家,并被当作一种公共服务机构来对待。庇护六世〖于1791年3月10日,在一份教廷通牒Quod Aliquantum中)〗谴责了该宪章。更...
This paper sheds light on the legal and political aspects of the process of codification of the German Civil Law. This analysis includes the work of expert commissions responsible for writing the German Civil Code [B眉rgerliches Gesetzbuch-BGB], with special emphasis on the importance of Bernhard...