(2022) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-022-00989-0. Anderson, V. & Gough, W. A. A typology of nature-based solutions for sustainable development: an analysis of form, function, nomenclature, and associated applications. Land 11, 1072 (2022). Article Google Scholar Griscom, B. W. et...
Code availability All data processing and testing described in Methods and Technical Validation sections were conducted using MATLAB version R2021a. Main codes used to construct CROPGRIDS are distributed in the “CODES.zip” folder (Table3) along with CROPGRIDS dataset available for public download f...
Until the middle of the 18th century, Brazilian poetry remained within the channel of the Portuguese baroque: Prosopopéa (1601) by Bento Teixeira (born 1561; year of death unknown) and Music of Parnassus (1705) by M. Botelho de Oliveira (1636–1711). The satirical verses of G. de ...
By the time Mary Queen of Scots arrived (1561) in Scotland, Catholicism had almost disappeared from the Lowlands. The turbulent career of the young queen hinged primarily on her personal involvements and on the conflict between the crown and the nobility, now divided into pro-French (Catholic)...
Marriage in Thailand is governed by the Civil and Commercial Code book 5, sections 1435 to 1535. A marriage (section 1457) can take place only if the man and woman (who are at least 18 years old) agree to take each other as husband and wife, and such agreement must be declared public...
现在边沁把该词动词化,用来表示一种把法律体系化的立法活动[17].除了取名之外,他还把法典编纂理论化,于1802 年用法语出版了《完整法典概论》(A General View of a Comp leteCode of Law)一书(又名《立法理论》——Theory ofLegislation) ,其第一部分是立法原理;第二部分是民法典原理;第三部分是刑法原理[18...
Until the middle of the 18th century, Brazilian poetry remained within the channel of the Portuguese baroque: Prosopopéa (1601) by Bento Teixeira (born 1561; year of death unknown) and Music of Parnassus (1705) by M. Botelho de Oliveira (1636–1711). The satirical verses of G. de ...
In 1560 and 1561 Gonçalo da Silveira, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, visited Mwanamutapa, where he quickly made converts, including King Nogomo Mupunzagato. However, the Swahili traders who lived there, fearing for their commercial position, persuaded Nogomo to have Silveira murdered. Between ...
Until the middle of the 18th century, Brazilian poetry remained within the channel of the Portuguese baroque: Prosopopéa (1601) by Bento Teixeira (born 1561; year of death unknown) and Music of Parnassus (1705) by M. Botelho de Oliveira (1636–1711). The satirical verses of G. de ...