研究法国民法的德国学者、海德堡大学教授扎恰利亚(C. S. Zachari¨a von Lingenthal)对法国的民法调整对象(objet du droit civil)下了一个这样的定义:“一般的民法的调整对象是规定行使每个个人的天然自由要承受的必要限制,以便使它们能与其他人的天然自由兼容。”定义来自卢梭对社会契约的说明,其大意为:根据这个契...
expressing the ‘us’ we are meant to identify with, opposed to ‘them’, the enemy. Robert E. Lee was a commander of the US Confederate Army during the American Civil War (1861-65). The conflict was between the southern Confederate states, fighting to secede from the north so as...
基金项目 The authors of the paper thank: the Council of Researchers of the UNT, CONICET, the National Agency for the Promotion of Research and the Research Project PICT 2017-1313.全文 PDF - 浏览/下载: 2 次 参考文献 [1] Möller, O. 2007. Hormigón Armado - Conceptos básicos y ...