Article 1096 du Code civil : commentaire
founded in 1048, prior to the launching of the First Crusade in 1096. The second of the great orders of knighthood was founded in 1117 or 1118 by two French knights, Hugues de Payens and Geoffrey of Saint-Omer, who had observed the hardships endured by Christian...
也受到执法机关的青睐:首先,在犯罪的“现代化”、“高科技化”、“产业化”以及有组织犯罪日益猖獗等形势下,剥夺犯罪分子的犯罪经济能力并使犯罪无利可图、得不偿失从而有力预防犯罪是一种适宜的刑事政策,因此,美国联邦一方面扩大了民事没收(civil forfeiture)的适用范围以打击犯罪;另一方面于1970年通过的“有组织犯...