cerevisiae mutant (Δhem1) can uptake heme and the growth can be restored by introducing these heme importers derived from parasites, including: TbHRG in Trypanosoma brucei [Citation99], BmHRG-1 in Brugia malayi [Citation100], CeHRG1 in Caenorhabditis elegans [Citation101], LHR1 in ...
1, 1980. The Communist Party of Slovakia (CPS; Komunistická Strana Slovenská) is the regional organization of the CPC in Slovakia. The Czechoslovak Socialist Party (CSP; Československá Strana Socialistická) was founded in 1948 by some members of the Czech National Socialist Party, which ...
ABSTRACT 1. Introduction 2. Polycrisis and Power 3. C for capitalism: anticapitalist perspectives on CPC 4. P for patriarchy: (Black) feminist perspectives on CPC 5. C for colonialism: anticolonial perspectives on CPC 6. Conclusion Disclosure statement Additional information Footnotes ReferencesFull...
Founded in 1945 on the initiative of the CPC, the National Front (Národní Fronta) is the political expression of the CPC-led class alliance of the urban and rural working people. It embraces all the country’s political parties and the main social organizations. Trade unions and other ...
lipases: phospholipase D (PLD) and phospholipase C (PLC). PLC cleaves the phosphorylated head group off the phospholipid, whereas PLD, a transphosphatidylase, only cleaves off the head group. The host cell membranes become less stable as a result of the breakdown of the phospholipids [101]...
L’article 905-1 du Code de procédure civile énonce que si entre-temps l’intimé a constitué avocat avant la signification de la déclaration d’appel, il est procédé par voie de notification à son avocat. A la lecture de ce texte, l’obligation de notification de la déclaration d...
41. Briefly, ammonium sulfate particles (preferred over sodium chloride) of a selected size are introduced into a condensation particle counter (CPC) and the CCNC in parallel while supersaturations are stepped (‘S-scan’). This yields the temperature gradient needed to activate particles with ...
lipases: phospholipase D (PLD) and phospholipase C (PLC). PLC cleaves the phosphorylated head group off the phospholipid, whereas PLD, a transphosphatidylase, only cleaves off the head group. The host cell membranes become less stable as a result of the breakdown of the phospholipids [101]...
ion in the CI-APi-TOF mass spectrometer. The systematic scale uncertainty on the HOM concentrations is +80%/−45%.b, Evolution of the particle number concentrations measured in the PSM1.8 (red curve) and CPC2.5 (blue curve) particle counters. The high-voltage clearing field (HVCF) was ...
Ocular syphilisis becoming an even more common finding as rates are increasing, especially in HIV-positive patients.[98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105]Any structure in the eye can be affected, but it is most often seen as a uveitis (anterior, posterior, or panuveitis) and may or...