Hardiness Zone 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Subhead Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Artichokes Catherine Boeckmann December 17, 2024 Sign up for daily gardening advice and tips Email Address The Almanac Garden Planner - Use It Free for 7 Days!
Artichokes DJs are an Italian DJ and music production duo composed of Michele Tomei and Valeria Vanorio, both originally from Naples. Officially founded in 2019, the project combines the two artists' passion for electronic music and the art of DJing, cre
Growing artichokes may seem exotic, but they’re easy to grow even as annuals. Many artichoke varieties are frost hardy in zone 7 and above, but some varieties are bred for heavy yields in a single se
In the kitchen, we trimmed the rotten ends and took stock. When all was said and done, we’d harvested about 10 pounds of usable crop, and another 7 pounds of rotten pieces (maybe 10, but we’ll replant several of those). We found a great recipe for roasted Jerusalem Artichokes and ...