[system] Add support for marginX, marginY, paddingX, and paddingY (#16169) @dimitropoulos [system] Add visibility property to display (#16231) @aditya1906 @material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.17 [Slider] Fix onChangeCommitted firing on mouseenter (#16329) @cdcasey [Slider] Fix various tick ...
Indeed, Dillenberger and Kadereit [26] indicate that Mcneillia differs from Minuartiella chiefly on account of its petals longer than sepals and obovate. In addition, Mc. graminifolia subsp. brachypetala has bracts with a very broad membranous margin reaching the apex [36] (p. 190), and ...
Indeed, ensemble methods can effectively make use of such diversity to reduce the variance-error (Tumer and Ghosh, 1999; =-=Ali and Pazzani, 1996-=-) without increasing the biaserror. In certain situations, an ensemble can also reduce bias-error, as shown by the theory of large margin ...
Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), formerly Advanced Technology Solar Telescope when it begins operation in 2019 will be by a significant margin Earth's largest solar research telescope. Science priorities dictate an initial suite of instruments that includes four spectro-polarimeters. Accurate polarization...
Benefits of an IR wireless bus are low mass, size, power, and cost, simplicity of implementation, ease of use, minimum EMI, and efficient and reliable data transfer. Our goals are to maximize the reliable link margin in order to afford greater flexibility in receiver placement, which will ...