or waiting for your man down by the Rio Grande, you’ll want to point the dial in your pickup truck or on the pocket transistor radio you’ve got duct-taped to your bicycle to KRTS Marfa, 93.5 FM from 9-11pm CST. For those of you not fortunate enough to claim residency out here ...
"Oh, yes, quite interesting. Talking of jobs. I've always been interested to know how you private detectives go about things? I suppose there’s not much of theSherlock Holmestouch really, mosdy divorce nowadays?" (Five, Six, Picking Up Sticks, chapter 8) ...
I’ve often said to people, “Do it with joy, or don’t do it at all.”. Because to do it any other way, would taint the beauty of the giving. And do not compromise your needs. You may find another way than what you originally thought of, but it then ought to become what you...
And if you’ve got an extra 20 bucks burning a hole in your pocket, you can go hang out with them at Project Butterfly in downtown Los Angeles TODAY (that’s Tuesday, August 25, 2009) and they’ll teach you how to make sauerkraut and a “self-irrigating pot.” [Homegrown ...
Are you FUCKING kidding me!? That absolutely guarantees the rightful heir will grab Excalibur! What was his SECOND-best plan, guillotining himself so I couldn't recognize him in a crowd? WATCHMAN Yeah, yeah. Just grab the sword buddy. We haven't got all day. ...
And they say that they will be fine at $60 oil prices? Are you kidding? People need to wake up and click on Google Finance to see that I am right. Capital costs, by the way, don’t begin to reflect all of their costs like overhead, debt service, taxes, or operating costs so th...