Rimbaud, Arthur: Lettres du voyant Zusammenfassung Die beiden berühmten Briefe, in denen der Autor seine revolutionäre Dichtungstheorie entwickelt, entstanden 1871, erschienen aber erst 1912 und 1926 im Druck. Ursprünglich veröffentlicht unter © J.B. Metzler’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl...
a voyant (“seer”). He had come to believe in a universal life force that informs or underlies all matter. This spiritual force, which Rimbaud referred to simply as “l’inconnu” (“the unknown”), can be sensed only by a chosen few. Rimbaud set himself the task of striving to “s...
Arthur Rimbaud Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud(20 October 1854 – 10 November 1891) was a French poet who is known for his influence on modern literature and arts, which prefigured surrealism. Born in Charleville-Mézières, he started writing at a very young age and was a prodigious student, but...
"Le Bateau Ivre" and Une Saison en enfer is examined in the second chapter of this work in relation to the image of the puer eternus--the image which lies at the heart of the poet's drive to "se fait voyant," to transcend being, and to reconcile the ambivalent and divergent impulses...
In a burst of self-confidence, Rimbaud composed “Le Bateau ivre” (“The Drunken Boat”). This is perhaps his finest poem, and one that clearly demonstrates what his method could achieve. Ostensibly, “Le Bateau ivre” describes the journey of the voyant in a tipsy boat that has been ...